Over 40 years of experience in the field, numerous certifications of excellence and innovative services are just some of the elements that have helped make Aviatronik a real National leader.
A fact that, since its foundation, it operates with a clear mission: to continuously strive to offer high reliability and advanced technological solutions.
Thanks to a corporate culture permeated by a high thrust for innovation and research of the highest degree of quality, Aviatronik has obtained, through the years, relevant certifications and accreditations even at an international level.
The company is registered in the register of NATO suppliers and contractors (code A0632) and has obtained Security Clearance (NSCC) on several occasions in the presence of classified awards.
Since the Eighties, the company can count on the accreditation of the Italian Calibration Service (SIT) for its metrological laboratory, and in 2011 it became a LAT 019T Calibration Centre following the establishment of the Italian Accreditation Organization, ACCREDIA.
Recognising the quality a focal point in its activity, Aviatronik has also obtained the conformity of its’ Quality System ISO 9001:2015.
Thanks to the achieved recognition, the company has been able to expand its range of services over the years while maintaining as focal the objective of providing an effective response according to the needs of its customers. Currently, the company offers calibration services, both accredited and not (on-site and off-site), innovative outsourcing services (instrument management, rent, repairs and pickup & delivery) and training and consulting services for metrological confirmation and uncertainty estimation.
Aviatronik is also involved in the distribution of leading products, such as power systems and battery chargers, support systems (ATE , AGE and GSE), Tempest systems, rugged systems and EMC/EMP solutions. Since 2014 the company distributes electronic measurements instruments and tools.
For the avionics market, the company distributes the Elite flight simulators for which it also performs the installation and the maintenance.
From 2015 it started the design, production and sale of the first solid state microwave amplifier.
Over 40 years from its foundation, Aviatronik invests an outstanding share of its budget in research and development, considering this practice the best way to offer its customers the best products and services.
For the future the company spirit will always be the same: offer the customer everything they need, because “We give what you need” is Aviatroniks’ for Aviatronik mission.

More than 40 years of excellence and innovation
1977. Aviatronik is established in Vergiate, in the province of Varese, as a company specialised in the sale, installation, calibration and maintenance of avionics equipment.
Aviatronik takes its first steps on the Italian market, distinguishing itself with its high technological skills and the quality of its services. These features, combined with its professional integrity, allow the company to obtain, just one year following its foundation, the RAI (Italian Aeronautics Register) certification and Italian distribution of the leading avionic equipment producers such as King, Bendix, Collins and David Clark.
In 1978 Aviatronik signs the distribution agreement for flight simulator products from California ATC Flight Simulator Co. The following year it starts the distribution of the TACAN simulators from the American company Republic Inc., which allows it to become one of the suppliers to the Ministry of Defense.
In 1982, after only three years of the development of the metrological laboratory, the company achieved the SIT accreditation (Italian Calibration Service), becoming the SIT centre 19. The recognition involves a twofold advantage for Aviatronik: it can count its laboratory among the very first accredited in Italy and the recognition of the validity of its calibration certificates in every European country signatory to the European Accreditation.
In the early Nineties, strengthened by the broad experience in the avionics market, Aviatronik undertakes the design and development of Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE), Ground Support Equipment (GSE) and automatic test equipment (ATE).
In 1994, it expands its range of services with the measurement of characteristics of shielded chambers.
Over the next decades, Aviatronik continues to achieve many results. Having obtained AER-Q-120 (AQAP- 120) military standard certification in 1993. In 2007 the company quality system was declared compliant to UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 and subsequently to UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 and subsequently to UNI EN ISO 9001:2015.
At the beginning of the 21st century, the company moved the headquarter to Samarate close to Malpensa International Airport. The Laboratory obtained the conformity to UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025 and subsequently to UNI-CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 and subsequently to the UNI-CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 standard. Over the years, Aviatronik achieves significant upgrades of the accredited quantities, improvements in declared measurement uncertainties and important extensions of measurement fields. In 2011 with the change from SIT to ACCREDIA, the metrological laboratory becomes the LAT n°019 calibration centre.
Since 2014 Aviatronik promotes and sells electronic instruments in the field of radio-frequency and microwave thanks to the acquisition of distribution contracts with several international brands. Since 2015 the company has undertaken the production and the sales solid state amplifiers according to customers specifications.
The constant commitment to continuous improvement of products and services in the field of metrology and avionics is the mission of Aviatronik.
Our activity is not limited to satisfying the present needs of customers but extends to the analysis and interpretation of the market to anticipate their future needs.
Faithful to this philosophy, we constantly compare with the major players in the sector and we provide guidance to our efforts to achieve the best quality, reliability and innovation in the supply of products and services.