- 5.6 inches TFT LCD touch screen, 640*480 high resolution
- 70MHz~200MHz selectable bandwidth
- 1GSa/s real time sampling rate, 240Kpts memory depth
- Integrate the functions of oscilloscope, multi-meter and recorder
- Up to 4~5H Li-ion battery persistence working time
- Support serial bus trigger for UART/RS232/RS422/RS485, LIN, CAN, SPI, I2C
- Full real time remote control and data transfer via Micsig ScopeSuite Software
- Support I/O interface of USB Slave and USB Host
- Support indoor and outdoor view modes
- Quick Help support
The Micsig multifunctional DSO handheld oscilloscopes offer an effective and economical solution, integrating the functions of a 2-channel oscilloscope, a multimeter and a signal recording system for field applications, both indoor and outdoor, given the 5.7 to 640×480 pixels touch-screen TFT LCD brightness adjustment options.
Their bandwidth reaches up to 200MHz and the sampling rate up to 1G Sa/s, with a waveform capture rate of 190,000 wvfm/s, while the memory depth reaches up to 240 Kpts.
Adding the 9-bit vertical resolution, these portable devices are perfectly comparable to the best desk oscilloscopes on the market.
The MS500 and MS300 series provide insulated inputs to safely perform floating measures, unlike the MS200 series.
Measurements are accelerated by horizontal, vertical, and crosshair cursors, mathematical operations between 2 channels and single-channel FFT, as well as by automatic analysis of 31 parameters of the scanned signals.
When used as a multimeter it is possible to perform measurements of DC, AC and AC / DC voltage, DC and AC current, resistance, capacity, relative humidity, pressure and temperature as well to test the proper operation of the diodes and to perform continuity tests.
The 6,000 mAh removable battery allows it to be used for 6 hours and can be quickly replaced, allowing you to take the necessary measures for extended periods.
The Micsig ScopeSuite software allows remote instrument control and data transfer to PC via the USB Slave port, while the USB Host port can be used to connect a USB storage devices to export the recorded data; Alternatively you can rely on the internal memory of the instrument for 13 consecutive days.
In addition, via the serial bus decoding and trigger modules, you can scan and analyze UART / RS232 / RS422 / RS485, LIN, CAN, I2C, SPI, ARINC429 and MIL-STD 1553B data.